Surprise! Singapore Gifts Myanmar TVET Institute

The SMVTI Vocational Training Institute (SMVTI) was officially handed over from the Singapore Government to the Myanmar Government today, in a ceremony witnessed by Singapore’s Minister for Education Mr Ong Ye Kung and Myanmar’s Minister for Education Dr Myo Thein Gyi at SMVTI’s campus in Yangon.
Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Ong reaffirmed Singapore and Myanmar’s warm and longstanding bilateral relations, underpinned by growing economic ties and strong people-to-people links.
On the institute, Mr Ong said: “What gives me the deepest impression is that SMVTI continues to be focused on helping students acquire practical skills that are industry relevant. Beyond that, the institute also holds job fairs and facilitates internships, similar to our own institutions in Singapore. As a result, I understand that quite a high percentage of graduates are able to secure jobs. It is now at a new milestone, and we are glad that Singapore has contributed to this effort.”
Read the full article from the Ministry of Education.