Numerous Experts Are Assembled on National Competitiveness and Development for Hwa Kang Academy Lecture Series in 2021 from CCU

Hwa Kang Academy is the highest-ranking speech series at Chinese Culture University.
Featuring world-renowned experts from academic, governmental, and industrial sectors and attended, share them expertise with our audience.
Summary of Hwa Kang Academy on April 20, 2021:
National Development Council (hereinafter referred to as NDC), affiliated to the Executive Yuan, is responsible for policy planning for the country. Currently, the Council has put its ongoing effort to carry out the major policies made by the Executive Yuan, including enhancing digital technology, defending Taiwan and ensuring national security and prosperity and building an intelligent government.
Based on the 5+2 Industrial Transformation Plan, the government attempts to add up six core industries, to promote local businesses, encourage innovation and global cooperation. The aim is to promote Taiwan to be a key force in the global economy. To help transform traditional industries, the Council has worked with the Ministry of Economic Affairs (acronym as M.O.E.A.) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (acronym as M.O.S.T.) to actively implement Asia Silicon Valley Development Plan, which connects Taiwan with high-tech R&D communities worldwide and seizes opportunities in next-generation industries. Its aim is to boost economic growth by transforming Taiwan from a traditional contract manufacturer to a provider of smart, innovative services and ultimately to help Taiwan play a key role on the global stage. Since 2015, the Council has worked with American Institute in Taiwan (acronym as A.I.T.) to hold the Digital Economy Forum. Its success led to Taiwan-EU Dialogue on Digital Economy, the high-level, multi-stakeholder platform for discussion of digital economy policy. The forum boosts cooperation between Taiwan and the other economies.
To cope with the trend of globalization and internationalization, possessing international communication ability and an international perspective are vital elements of raising national competitiveness. The government has set up a blueprint to develop Taiwan into a bilingual nation by 2030. In three years, the Council will recruit and train more qualified talents. Moreover, the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals simplified the recruiting process and enhanced the employment of foreign professionals. With incentives including job security and welfare to foreign professionals and their families, hopefully foreign professionals are willing to stay in Taiwan and to apply for naturalization.
NDC is responsible for the overall planning, adjusting, and integrating the regional revitalization-related resources of various ministries to implement and promote regional revitalization. For national development, the government upped the ante by expanding the reform of its infrastructure. In order to thrive post-pandemic, the government has invested funds to assist businesses to cope with structure shift by increasing 5G deployment and use of AI. Grants are allocated to help boost regional development. In the meantime, the construction carried out must be eco-friendly and sustainable. As for revitalization of local areas, the government has worked with private sectors to analyze the DNA (demographic change rate, population scale, residents’ income and advantages) of different regions to come up with feasible plans to develop the local economy in accordance with regional characteristics by creating a healthy cycle based on work and people so that more jobs could drive regional population growth. The ultimate goal is to improve quality of life of their residents.
An Intelligent Government is devoted to accountable, responsive and inclusive governance and providing digital services the citizens need. Awards are given to government organizations that serve the people most efficiently. The Political Archives Act came into force after promulgation on July 24, 2019 by the president. Accordingly, the National Archives Administration of the Council is in charge of the acquisition, organization, and preservation of political archives and provide citizens access to the historical facts to disclose the truth and spur social reconciliation.