Thammasat students received international award on ‘Solving Business Challenge’, expanding ‘TikTok’ base in Australia

With the recent international competition, the Australian Undergraduate Business Case Competition 2021 (AUBCC 2021) organized by the University of New South Wales, Australia, which has 16 teams from 9 countries participating in the competition, namely Australia, USA, Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong, Serbia, Hungary, Ireland, and Thailand. The Little Ripper team from BBA Thammasat, the only representative from Thailand is able to win the second runner-up award and is the winner of the Tiktok Challenge. In addition, Ms. Nuerprae Duangsri, one of the team members, also receives the Best Speaker award.
The Little Ripper team which has built a reputation for Thailand is a gathering of 4th-year students from the International Business Administration Program, Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Thammasat University which consists of Ms. Nuerprae, Accounting Major, Ms. Nanticha Jiratphikanpong, Accounting Major, Ms. Sarita Wiphasdamrongkul, Accounting Major, and Ms. Manipha Mahathanakorn, Finance Major.
This competition is divided into 2 sub-competitions: 1. Short-term case, offering ideas that will enhance corporate culture in the new era of work, ‘Future of Work’, in 3 hours within 3 PowerPoint slides; 2. Long-term case on how will the TikTok platform expand its user base and acceptance while benefiting both TikTok and Australia, having 12 hours to solve the challenge.
However, this competition uses the method of collecting points from each round. The teams with the highest total points in each division will advance to the final round using the long-term cases to present.
Ms. Nuerprae said that the specialty of the AUBCC 2021 competition in addition to organizing via the online platform as the consequences to the COVID-19 situation, is that the competition also focuses on fostering change through innovation or the fact of becoming more innovative. This year’s challenge is on how to make the TikTok platform in Australia gain more users. The Little Ripper team found that TikTok is not just for entertainment but also is a general knowledge-providing platform. Therefore, this issue is taken as a selling point that will attract new generations to use the application more.
“We didn’t have much time to prepare, therefore we had to practice hard every day, having clearly divided duties for each of us and set all the rehearsal schedules. The crucial thing is to look back at the old matches of this competition, and another part is the division of duty to find relevant information about Australia to develop a strategy that meets the needs of the Australian market,” said Ms. Nuerprae.
She said that she was very happy to receive the award from the competition because she felt that all the intentions including the acquired presentation experiences were really useful. However, the most joyful feeling is that the name of Thammasat University has had the opportunity to be on the prize-giving screen 3 times, winning the second-runner up for the Best Speaker award and the TikTok Challenge. Being on the top rank allows people to get to know our university better.