How to Prevent Bloating During Iftar: Expert Tips from IPB University’s Faculty of Medicine

Fasting during Ramadan is associated with various health benefits, but improper eating habits during suhoor and iftar can lead to health issues such as bloating, a concern for many individuals observing the fast.
Understanding Bloating During Fasting
Dr. Mira Dewi, a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine at IPB University, identifies bloating as typically resulting from gas buildup in the intestines. Other factors that may contribute to this condition include food intolerances, constipation, and digestive disorders.
Triggers of Bloating
Several triggers for bloating during the fasting period have been noted. These include dehydration and the intake of gas-producing foods such as legumes. Dr. Dewi emphasizes that while fasting itself does not lead to bloating, unhealthy eating practices during suhoor or iftar, particularly the rapid consumption of gas-inducing foods, can worsen the issue. Individuals with acid reflux may be more likely to experience bloating.
Strategies to Reduce Bloating
To reduce the risk of bloating, Dr. Dewi recommends a number of strategies. These include eating slowly, avoiding known trigger foods at suhoor and iftar, and moderating food intake during iftar. For those with lactose intolerance, limiting milk consumption is also advised.
The Importance of Hydration
Hydration plays a crucial role, and consuming sufficient water along with regular physical activity is recommended to alleviate discomfort during the fasting period.
Original source: IPB University