Thammasat Joined IDCABS 2023

Our faculty members, together with students in both the Global Health / Occupational and Environmental Health programs attended the Commemoration of the Fourth International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies (IDCABS) in 2023, “Together for Clean Air: Air Pollution and Climate Solutions in Southeast Asia”, organized by the Thailand’s Hub of Talents on Air Pollution and Climate at Conference Room 4, United Conference Centre (UNCC), Bangkok, Thailand.
The session was organized by Thailand’s Hub of Talents on Air Pollution and Climate (HTAPC). The HTAPC is hosted by the Faculty of Public Health, Thammasat University, with support from the National Research Council, led by Dr.Supat Wangwongwatana. Council of Thailand (NRCT). Other co-organizers include UNESCAP, UNEP, and the Asia Pacific Clean Air Partnership (APCAP), the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to Thailand, German International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)
The participants include air quality experts who are part of the HTAPC and participants in the IDCABS events in Bangkok, air quality practitioners, academia, civil society, and policymakers both nationally and internationally, especially in Southeast Asian countries.