ENGLISH-Ready? AppliedHE Publishes First Round of Rating Results!

SINGAPORE, 29 June 2021 — AppliedHE, the new Singapore-based higher education and branding agency, officially launched its AppliedHE ENGLISH-Ready Rating system today with the online publication of the first group of ENGLISH-Ready rated institutions.
The AppliedHE ENGLISH-Ready Rating is the world’s first international rating system for English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI). EMI is a growing trend in international higher education, whereby universities located in non-English speaking countries offer degree programs completely offered in English. These degree programs are attractive to international students and to local students seeking a more internationally-oriented educational experience.
The ENGLISH-Ready Rating fills an important gap by providing a global benchmark of the quality, extent and frequency of English-language use in programs that are officially English-taught. Sometimes the teaching of programs in English is incomplete, and students and faculty frequently use another language, or the programs are not really ready (yet) to receive international English-speaking students.
The first group of institutions to be rated are from Indonesia, Taiwan and Vietnam. The institutions underwent a rigorous evaluation which took into account the institutions’ official policies and the experiences of students and faculty. Overall, the quality, extent and frequency of English-language use at all institutions was of a very high standard. The rated institutions are:
- Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan
- Thu Dau Mot University, Vietnam
- Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Indonesia
- Soegijapranata Catholic University, Indonesia
The official rating results are available here. More details about the rating methodology can be found here. Institutions interested in learning more about the ratings can also contact AppliedHE.