Thammasat’s innovation for society: an armsupport device for physical therapy

CED2 Lab of the Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University haveinnovated the Design and development of Arm Support Device used inPhysical Therapy with the Mechanics Support System.
This innovation was submitted for “Thailand Research Expo 2020” held inBangkok, and organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science,Research and Innovation (MHESI), National Research Council of Thailand(NRCT). It won a silver medal for the development of artificial intelligence,smart devices, energy, and environment category.
The team behind the innovation includes Mr Chollakarn Manoyen and MsWanwalita Sathchang from Thammasat University, and Mr SasirojThiptiphakorn and Mr Takdanai Thadaphirom from King Mongkut’sUniversity of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) with Assistant Professor DrBunyong Rungroungdouyboon as the advisor.
Most ischemic stroke patients have one common symptom which is muscleweakness, including the weakness on one side of the body, weakness in thelegs or arms. According to a survey in Thailand, many leg support devicesused in physical therapy had already been developed but no arm supportdevice existed yet. The arm muscles are a small muscle group that needphysical therapy on a regular basis, and it also requires a caregiver ortherapist to monitor during the session. Using this device at home will helpsolve this issue.
The arm support device used in physical therapy has never been previouslyproduced or developed in Thailand. Most people cannot afford expensivedevices. Hence, they need to go to the hospital or therapy centre whichmay be discouraging because they have to spend too much time on trafficas well as money. Moreover, a caregiver or physical therapist required at alltimes. With this device, the patient could perform physical therapy at homeeffectively by using the device at a reasonable price.
Since this device is still a prototype, the team will continue to work on thesmall improvements and add other functions, for example, developing theportable format to allow everyday use, increasing the visual impression.Once it’s successfully completed, it will be launched in the market as well.