Thammasat Promotes Adolescent Well-being, Easing the Teenage Burden

Universities have a responsibility beyond academics to support the overall well-being of their students. By creating supportive environments and mechanisms that foster well-being, institutions can help address the challenges and anxieties faced by young generations.
To address the growing mental health concerns among students, Thammasat University has launched the “Thammasat Well Being Center.” This initiative includes monitoring student well-being, with data revealing that one in three students experience stress and are at risk of depression during exams, particularly first-year students. The center offers proactive support through the ‘TU Future Wellness’ app, integrated into the university’s Super App, TU GREATS, providing convenient access to physical and mental health services. Additionally, a Health Profile database will be created to track the overall well-being of the Thammasat community.
Thammasat Well Being Center is the central hub for comprehensive health services, divided into the following areas: 1. Physical health care, which includes the presence of nursing staff at the center, as well as the support of physicians for specific cases. Additionally, a Virtual Clinic service is provided in collaboration with Thammasat University Hospital, enabling students and staff to consult with doctors online. This service is available to all students and personnel at Tha Prachan, Rangsit, Lampang, and Pattaya campuses.
- Mental health care, with the assessment and screening through the TU Future Wellness application, as well as having a psychologist stationed at the center. Students can make appointments from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM. During off-hours, an outsourced team will be available to provide telephone support. All staff members will be part of a network of Thammasat University alumni, and in urgent cases, there will be a rapid response unit ready to provide immediate assistance.
As the working world demands skills that extend beyond classroom knowledge, the Thammasat University Cooperative Education and Employment Center, or TUCEEC, has been established to prepare and enhance students’ real-world work capabilities, as well as to develop new skills for alumni.
Thammasat University aims to support its graduates in securing employment at a rate of 100%. Consequently, the university has established the TUCEEC to connect Thammasat with the business and industrial sectors. This initiative will oversee job matching, up-skilling, and re-skilling, and importantly, it will create a “Data Center” through an application that will compile students’ information and competencies in a portfolio format for employers to review. Simultaneously, it will also include data from various companies that are hiring, offering internships, and outlining other requirements for students to consider.