“Separate Bottles to Help Doctors”, a project of Thammasat medical students won the Prakaipetch Youth Award from the Culture, Sports and Tourism Department of Bangkok

“Less Plastic TU” team consists of 4th-year medical students, English Program, Thammasat University, namely MS. Sirachach Harnwiwattanakul (Project Leader), MS. Sirada Pongpetra, MS. Sarutaya Sukprakob, MS. Rinradee Leenawat, and MS. Pornthita Saeli received the 17th Prakaipetch Youth Award for the year organized by the Culture, Sports and Tourism Department of Bangkok which is the National Outstanding Youth Award of Bangkok Province in the Natural Resources and Environment category from the work “Separate Bottles to Help Doctors”.
Sirachach Harnwiwattanakul revealed that the team started the Less Plastic TU project during their studies at Chulabhorn International College of Medicine which is currently studying under the Faculty of Medicine. The project is a volunteer project that will help reduce environmental problems, both plastic bottles and infectious waste from the use of disposable PPE along with the extension of the maximum benefit to the public health system, especially during the Covid-19 epidemic that generated environmental problems from the increase in the amount of plastic waste during Work from Home, including the issue of insufficient number of PPE for medical personnel at that time.
Less Plastic TU aims to tackle such problems through activities in 2 areas: 1. Reducing plastic bottle wastes by transforming plastic bottles into PPE; and 2. Raising awareness about the environment through providing knowledge on online media channels such as Instagram.
Sirada Pongpetra said that for reducing plastic bottle waste, the team has placed 3 trash cans for plastic bottles separation and attached a sign to publicize the project in front of the Faculty of Medicine canteen as it is adjacent to Thammasat University Hospital and faculties related to the public health system. As a result, there are medical students, medical professors, and medical personnel including the staff inside the building to use the service after the start of the project, plastic bottles and other plastic wastes are increasingly separated.
Sarutaya Sukprakob revealed that the team has cooperated with student dormitories around Thammasat University by setting up a plastic bottle pick-up point in the student dormitory, making it easier for students to donate plastic bottles, creating an ideal environment for separating and disposing of bottles. It also creates a social responsibility for students and medical student dormitories such as TUdio Student Dormitory, one of the student dormitories that involves a part of the project. The dormitory will help collect plastic bottles from students and help separate plastic bottles from the dormitory wastes.
In addition, the project has set up a plastic bottle pick-up point inside Piyachart 2 Building and next to Piyachart 2 Building, where donors can park and drop the bottles into the large waste bins provided without the need to get out of the car, facilitating those who are concerned about the Covid-19 situation in which general public can come and donate.
Rinradee Leenawat added that the plastic bottles will be sent to the PPE factory for sorting and cleaning before entering the grinding process into small plastic pellets and used to produce a yarn that is woven into polyester fabric. It will be coated with waterproofed solutions before being used to make PPE for medical personnel. The cost of bottle processing and the production of PPE amounted to 450 baht will be covered by the sale of plastic bottles and donations to support the project through the account of Chulabhorn International College of Medicine in which a tax deduction certificate can be requested from the college.
“For receiving the National Outstanding Youth Award of Bangkok Province, we are honored to have the opportunity to be shortlisted for this year’s award and was impressed to be an inspiration for the students of the Faculty of Medicine, those who are interested in participating in the activities and as well inspire medical students to use our knowledge and abilities to benefit society and the nation in the future,” said MS. Pornthita Saeli.