Thammasat conducted online training for 50 teams of clean energy teachers, encouraging Thai student

Thammasat organizes online training for 50 teams of clean energy teachers, aiming to teach Thai children the importance of energy.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Yada Atanan, Lecturer of the Faculty of Learning Sciences and Education, Thammasat University, who is in charge of the “Innovative Learning Innovation Development for Clean Energy Project” said that this project aims for Thai children to learn and become aware of the energy that exists around them through 50 teams of high school teachers from all subject areas and vocational groups from all over the country that have come to attend training as the School Partners to disseminate and manage online learning for schools and communities, 10 main online lessons and 50 online mini-lessons to provide access to learning materials on clean energy and can be applied in their own learning management. The project has been started since October 2020, with completion in March 2022 and online training for this 50 team of clean energy teachers is regarded as the second training.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Yada added that currently in the process of mentoring activities and observing the use of learning materials in course. This is an activity that provides advice to teachers who participate in the “Energy-Learning Innovation Initiation Project” with students in their own classrooms as the target audience and follow up on the design and development of learning materials from teachers once a month via online platform from last August to October 2021. In which the 50 teams of teachers are expected to develop a prototype of clean energy learning materials that will be available to the public in November 2021.