Benchmarking visit to Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto : Fostering Relationship in Students Development

From August 24th to 25th, 2023, a delegation from the Department of Student Affairs, Jabatan Timbalan Naib Canselor Hal Ehwal Pelajar, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, led by Prof. Dr. Shamsul bin Sahibuddin, Deputy Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, embarked on a benchmarking visit to Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP) in Purwokerto, Indonesia.
This visit coincided with the Closing Ceremony of the Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Programme, which involved students from UMP and 30 students from UTM. KKN is an annual community service program organized by UMP, and this year, it took place in Kebumen, Jawa Tengah. The primary objective of KKN is to cultivate relationships, and students were tasked with devising solutions related to the communities they were assigned to. The students were grouped with UMP students and stationed in 10 villages in Kebumen.
Find out more : UTM News