Nursing program of Thammasat, a program of opportunity

“In the perspective of nurses or what is instilled in us is a distinct dimension to medical. Physicians are taught to be healers, but for nurses, we are instilled in caring for sickness,” Asst. Prof. Dr. Preekamol Ratchanakul, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Thammasat University pointed out the difference.
However, that is only one role of the ‘nurse’, there are other roles that many people do not know about. This leads to wider career choices, such as ‘creating health innovations’ for society, from service innovations to inventions that will improve the quality of life for patients which is one of the roles that the Faculty of Nursing, Thammasat University gives importance to.
“We have professors who have come up with various innovations to help patients, such as a rollover mattress for patients with pressure sores and mobile urinals for psychiatric patients. This is considered another highlight of the Faculty as whenever the Nursing Council wishes to find someone to provide a lecture on innovation, it will first think of personnel from Thammasat University,” Asst. Prof. Dr. Preekamol stated.
More than that, knowledge of nursing which is extensive in care also allows nurses to pursue their careers other than just being a nurse in a hospital as well as building a number of businesses, such as nurses on oil rigs, nursery, elderly care center, aesthetic clinic. It is also in line with the trend of holistic health care (wellness) of today’s society and business including becoming an important trend in the world’s business in the future as well.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Preekamol said that the Faculty of Nursing and Thammasat University which foresees the opportunity that will arise for students, therefore offer a course that supports them to learn about business management along with creating experience, scientific knowledge of nursing and innovation to be one of the options for students to be able to further their careers.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Preekamol said that another strength of the Faculty of Nursing, Thammasat University is having Thammasat Hospital as a partner especially the nursing department who have closely worked together and planned to develop the potential of Thammasat’s nurses in order to be an important force for the country’s health service system as well.
There is also Thammasat Thammarak Hospice which is in collaboration with Thammasat University by focusing on building palliative care personnel for terminally ill patients in the country.
“We are going to organize an international conference with the faculty’s cooperation partners, which will have Palliative Centers from different countries. We therefore plan on how our strength and the knowledge that others have can be combined and used for the benefit of our country,” stated Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Thammasat University.