UNAIR Faculty of Law Holds Discussion on Online Legal Education with International Experts

UNAIR NEWS – The Covid-19 pandemic situation has made all universities shifted their activities into online, including teaching and learning at Faculty of Law (FH) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). Furthermore, many efforts are made to maintain the quality of legal education.
One of them is making improvements on various aspects. Therefore, FH UNAIR seeks for other views and experiences on online learning to some international experts through an online seminar titled ‘Digital Learning Challenge for Legal Education’ which was held on Friday, June 26, 2020.
The event attended by hundreds of participants was initiated by Faculty of Law (FH) UNAIR together with five law faculties of Universitas Mulawarman; Universitas Haluoleo; Universitas Trunojoyo Madura; Universitas Nusa Cendana; and Universitas Borneo Tarakan.
In the discussion, Nurul Barizah, Ph.D, as UNAIR Dean of Law stated that the infrastructure gap between education and telecommunications is still a problem in Indonesia for the implementation of online learning. Moreover, the ability of lecturers to adapt for online learning also deserves attention. The situation, continued Nurul, certainly is a challenge for Faculty of Law (FH) UNAIR.
However, Nurul also said that FH UNAIR has provided training for lecturers in stages. “With the differences of telecommunications infrastructure, the media for online learning must be diverse so all can be facilitated,” she said.
Meanwhile, Maartje De Visser responded that online learning cannot completely replace conventional face-to-face education. “Online education is not a substitute, but it is complementary,” said the Associate Dean of School of Law, Singapore Management University.
On the other hand, it is inevitable that online education is the only way that can be done. She then emphasized that online learning must still maintain the quality as value. It is shown from the media choices that can be used.
“We can’t just rely on one type of tool in online learning. Moreover, it is important to always get reviews and feedback from students, ” she said.
Visser continued that in situations like this the source of learning is also a concern as well as a challenge. At least the faculty has a library with a comprehensive collection and reliable online services as a learning resource.
In the end, Dr. Sjoerd JFJ Claessens as Director of Studies at Maastricht University added that online learning requires the flexibility of lecturers and students. It concerns the time and method of learning.
“The problem with lecturers is more in the form of time management. Because those with family also have to deal with the presence of children who learn from home, “said Claessens.
While from the student side, he continued, feeling bored or tired of facing online learning is an inevitable thing. “Here interactive learning becomes important,” he said.
Responding to Claessens’ statement, Visser added, courses with an emphasis on ‘legal skills’ could still be done interactively such as by utilizing various menus and tools from online learning applications. (*)