SIIT Thammasat revises its Business and Supply Chain Analytics course.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chawalit Jeenananta, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), Thammasat University said SIIT as an international engineering and management institute that focuses on technology hence, the curriculum must be developed along with the changing world and continuous market demand. Recently, the new curriculum has been revised under the name ‘Business and Supply Chain Analytics (BA)’ as well as adjust the course content to be more pursuant to the current situation.
For this revised BA course, it will be a curriculum that aims to create a business perspective throughout the supply chain. It helps to develop critical thinking skills that lead to strategy formulation and decision-making based on data science as well as various data techniques such as statistical analysis, data visualization to the use of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, etc., which are more important and necessary sciences for today’s business world.
“In designing the curriculum at SIIT, we have collaborated with both domestic and international business sectors to analyze the needs of various private sectors that are looking for personnel with certain skills, knowledge and qualifications in order to implement into the design and improvement of the institution’s curriculum. If there are any subjects whose content does not meet the current requirements, we will remove them. As for the content of any subject that started to become a trend in the world market like the business and supply chain analysis, we then brought it in and adapted it into a newly revised BA curriculum,” Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chawalit said.
Nevertheless, SIIT has also designed curriculum in the form of active learning under the “Business Game with ERPSim Workshop“ activity that allows students to practice their skills through playing “Business simulation game” where each group has to manage a virtual business by dividing the duties whether it is production, sales, management, etc., and as well as receiving the opportunity to try real software used by global business sectors such as SAP, Microsoft Power BI and learn how to solve various problems that arise within the organization.