A lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University has been invited to be a member of the “WHO Advisory Group on the Bacterial Priority Pathogen List”.

Prof. Dr. Anucha Apisarnthanarak, lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University has been invited to be a member of the “WHO Advisory Group on the Bacterial Priority Pathogen List” from the World Health Organization (WHO).
Prof. Dr. Anucha said that in 2015, the WHO had an action plan to reduce antimicrobial resistance, which consisted of five main strategies: 1. Increase awareness of drug-resistant bacteria. 2. To develop surveillance of antimicrobial resistance around the world. 3. To reduce drug-resistant infection. 4. To develop the treatment of antimicrobial resistance and 5. To find a drug strategy that is suitable for antimicrobial resistance. Therefore, the WHO established the WHO Advisory Group on the Bacterial Priority Pathogen List, with 13 bacteria on the list. Members are responsible for reviewing up-to-date information and advising the WHO on the five strategies to contribute to WHO policies to reduce global antimicrobial resistance and to develop future drug treatments for these bacteria.
The WHO has selected 20 experts around the world to be included on this list to provide information and advice on bacteria. The WHO will be selecting experts from the WHO database, and generally for Southeast Asia, there will be not over than 1-2 representatives. Selected to be a member this time, I am honored to have benefited humanity. Moreover, this has built a reputation for the Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University as well.