UNAIR Rector appoints four vice rectors for 2020-2025

UNAIR NEWS – Prof. Dr. H. Mohammad Nasih, MT., SE., Ak as UNAIR Rector has just appointed and inaugurated vice rectors for 2020-2025 period. They are Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih M.Si as Vice Rector for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Muhammad Madyan, SE., M.Si., M.Fin as Vice Rector for Resources, Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, Drh., DEA as Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Community Development, and Muhammad Miftahussurur, dr. M. Kes., Sp.PD, Ph.D, as Vice Rector for Internationalization, Digitalization and Information.
In his remarks, Prof. Nasih expressed his deepest gratitude and appreciation to the vice-rectors of 2015-2020 period. The contribution over the past five years has been extraordinary and has been able to bring UNAIR to QS World Ranking #521-530.
“Hopefully this will be our good deeds and we can reap the benefit later on,” he said.
Prof. Nasih hoped that this new formation would be able to reorganize the process of UNAIR to become an independent university and spread its wings internationally. He hoped that the spirit of academicians to contribute could be maintained as well.
“In the future there will be many extraordinary challenges that must be faced. Our current position pushes us to go even faster. Therefore, we hope to set our intention and keep up the spirit to contribute as well as possible. We expect a clear commitment and integrity regarding the financial aspects and it requires cooperation with all parties, “he said.
The internationalization process at UNAIR, he continued, must be maintained and developed. Although basically the main focus is on the fourth field of Internationalization, Digitalization and Information. But this internationalization process must be carried out and practiced in all fields. International cooperation must continue and be developed as well as possible.
“We’d like to express our gratitude to the vice-rectors for 2015-2020 and congratulations on carrying out the mandate and serving to vice-rectors of 2020-2025 period,” he added.