Celebrating Women of the Future

UNM researcher Dr Siu Yee New has received a special commendation as one of the most successful young women in SE Asia at the Women of the Future Awards South East Asia, in their virtual ceremony held on 25th June 2020. The judging panel highly commended Dr Siu Yee New “as a strong role model with great ambition and potential to further impact society”. Dr Siu Yee New said “The panel’s commendation is a fantastic recognition for me, personally. I hope that my expertise and passion continue to enhance my contribution to science across the region.”
UNM also congratulates Dr Wan Yong Ho who was also one of the shortlisted candidates in the same category for Science, Technology and Digital. Both candidates made it to the shortlist for their significant contributions to forging new ground in scientific endeavours, as well as ground-breaking achievements in the worlds of digital and technology.
Read the full article from University of Nottingham Malaysia