The Future Of Higher Education: What It Means For Students And Educators

“The idea that one can earn a degree at the age of 22 and be set for a career has become as antiquated as the pocket watch.”
—Jeffrey R. Brown, dean at the Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois, from his position paper: “It’s Time to Transform Higher Education”
- How do we prepare students and workers to do jobs that don’t even exist yet?
- For challenges we can’t even imagine yet?
- To compete in industries and with business models that haven’t even been invented yet?
Higher education is facing one of its biggest periods of unknowns in recent memory. There’s not a single person or aspect of education that hasn’t been utterly shaken by the pandemic.
But that’s not the only source of uncertainty. Technology changes so fast, the skills we master in school are constantly changing and becoming outdated in a matter of years. Some of the most exciting career opportunities might be for roles that don’t even exist yet in industries we can’t even imagine.
We must acknowledge the pace at which technology evolves, and the extent to which the traditional model limits access to education. Experts across higher education suggest that education should look less structured and make room for more variety: calling for new paths, multiple streams, a wider array of credentials — so people can reskill as needed and put those skills to work immediately.
Find out more : Forbes