
Korean Universities seek end to government tuition freeze

Hampered by a government regulation of domestic student fees, cash-strapped universities in South Korea are resorting to increasing international or graduate fees to stay afloat, while others have indicated they will go ahead and raise domestic fees anyway – even if it means forfeiting government grants that serve as an incentive for institutions to limit domestic fee increases.

With higher inflation and rising costs for universities, some are calling for deregulation to allow them to raise tuition fees without having to face penalties.

However, Deputy Education Minister Jang Sang-yoon confirmed at a 20 December press conference that the ministry had not discussed deregulating university fees, frozen since 2009, and considered the timing for deregulation inappropriate, given the country’s current economic situation.

His statement was a reconfirmation of government policy after he provoked a public backlash in June 2022 when he suggested a move towards tuition fee deregulation.

The situation leaves universities with limited choices.

To read more : University World News

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