NTU leverages Keysight Technologies to advance 6G agenda

The Centre for Disruptive Photonic Technologies — located within the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) campus in Singapore — has selected Keysight Technologies’ software-centric test and measurement solutions to advance 6G technology based on terahertz frequencies.
The partnership taps on Keysight’s solutions to validate on-chip terahertz electronic-photonic devices, such as transceivers. Specifically, NTU will utilise Keysight’s integrated software and hardware tools to “accurately characterise complex transceiver modules”.
Keysight will combine its arbitrary waveform generator (AWG), optical modulation analyser, network analyser (PNA), PSG analog signal generator with up-converters and down-converters from Virginia Diodes (VDI) and PathWave Vector Signal Analysis software to create a “turnkey solution” for testing and validation of on-chip terahertz electronic-photonic devices.
“Keysight is pleased to contribute to breakthroughs in 6G technology by providing NTU with a 6G testbed that accurately analyses unchartered terrain spanning electronics and photonics technologies for their TeraX Lab,” said Boon Juan Tan, vice president and general manager of General Electronics Measurements Solutions (GEMS) group at Keysight.
“Together with pacesetters such as NTU, Keysight is enabling high-speed data transfer links critical to realising a wide range of consumer, enterprise and government 6G applications.”
To read more : Channel Asia