UOW Malaysia KDU hosts colloquium on “Australia-Malaysia Education Industry: Opportunity Knocks”

Amid lockdowns, movement restrictions and outright curfews all around the world in the pandemic, universities worldwide could not teach in their venerable lecture halls.
Perhaps the greatest loss was felt by international students wanting to learn in the cosmopolitan settings of global universities, where borderless learning is experienced in its purest form.
Almost two years were lost, and it was only the lightning-fast adaptation of virtual learning that the younger generation was able to continue with their tertiary studies.
These and other issues will be discussed at UOW Malaysia KDU’s “Colloquium on Australia-Malaysia Education Industry: Opportunity Knocks”. The colloquium brings together Australian universities in Malaysia: University of Wollongong Australia, Monash University Malaysia, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak and Curtin University Sarawak.
In a panel session, they will share their experiences of operating in Malaysia, the impact of the pandemic and post-pandemic initiatives.
To read more : Malaysia Kini