Beating Covid-19 Together in Indonesia: Academics and Public Officials Learn Together

UNAIR NEWS – Covid-19 pandemic is a new problem for all, including public officials. They are required to formulate various policies or strategic steps to break the chain of virus spreading in their regions.
Moreover, the community is also expected to be adaptive to government policies. It was explained by the Regent of Pamekasan Regency, Badrut Tamam, during an online conference held by Master of Disaster Management Program with HR 24/7 Community, Master of Human Resources Development Program (PSDM), and all programs at Universitas Airlangga Postgraduate School.
In the conference titled Defend or Fight Covid-19 taking place on Tuesday, July 28, Badrut also explained the condition of Pamekasan Regency during the pandemic.
“There were various perceptions of Pamekasan Regency people, in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. Some believe, but there are also those who do not believe, consider it a conspiracy or hallucination, and are pessimistic. Furthermore, this pandemic also has impacts on all fields, one of them is the economy which is running very slowly, “he said.
Seeing those existing conditions, Badrut did not remain silent. He and his staff have made effort to educate the public about the importance of health protocols involving all stakeholders in dealing with problems amid pandemic.
“Some of the breakthroughs made by Pamekasan Regency are, among others, establishing Pamekasan Call Care, New Entrepreneurs (WUB), strengthening Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) and Small and Medium Enterprises (IKM), and developing village potentials. From village development, we can produce personal protective equipment (PPE), “Badrut said.
The conference then continued with a presentation from Immunology Master Program Coordinator (KPS S2), Dr. Theresia Indah Budhy, drg., M. Kes., Sp.PMM (K), on recommendations to always looking after themselves so that people are not infected with Covid-19.
“Under these conditions, we need to guard against corona virus attacks. What must be considered is the condition of self, family, and the environment, “said Dr. There.
The conference was closed by the last speaker, Dr. Christrijogo Soemartono Waloejo, dr., Sp.An., KAR, who explained the Covid-19 pandemic from a disaster management perspective.
According to Dr. Christrijogo, every day, coronavirus patients can reach 50-60 people. Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment that can prevent the spread of the virus. Furthermore, he also worried about the implementation of the New Normal policy.
“In fact, Australia, which has implemented new normal, had 50 more positive patients in one day. The best system is actually a lockdown because what is infected can be controlled and recorded properly, “added Dr. Christrijogo.
For this reason, the Disaster Management Program Coordinator emphasized that the community always implements 3 habits, wearing masks, washing hands (recommended to take a bath and gargle), and applying social distancing.
The conference which was attended by 400 participants also received appreciation from the Director of the UNAIR Postraduate School, Prof. Dr. Sri Iswati, SE., M.Si., Ak. She believes that Covid-19 pandemic has both positive and negative impacts on all parties.
“This conference is a form of endeavor to exchange ideas, information, as well as knowledge sponsored by the UNAIR Postgraduate School of Disaster Management Program. We hope that the education delivered by the speakers will spread to the wider community through the participants and be useful, “concluded Prof. Iswati. (*)