Promoting Entrepreneurial Learning in TVET

To cope with the changing world of work and skills demands, technical and vocational education and training (TVET) systems are increasingly aware of the importance of equipping young people with entrepreneurial skills and mindsets. Entrepreneurial learning offers a realistic and achievable means to develop the transferable skills that society and the economy are demanding of citizens today.
Sustainable Development Goal 4 on quality education highlights the need to strengthen ‘skills for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship’ through education and training. This is closely linked to Sustainable Development Goal 8 on decent work and economic growth which places importance on the development of policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation. Fostering youth employment and entrepreneurship is also one of the three thematic priorities under UNESCO’s TVET Strategy (2016-2020).
Since 2017, UNESCO-UNEVOC has been coordinating a series of consultations on entrepreneurial learning in TVET with UNEVOC Centres and experts from around the world. These consultations aim to explore the current state of entrepreneurial learning in TVET policies and programmes, and facilitate the exchange of experiences, opportunities and challenges to mainstreaming entrepreneurial learning in TVET systems. As the next step in the process, UNESCO-UNEVOC is developing a practical guide that helps TVET actors to mainstream entrepreneurial learning at the institutional level, taking into account the different socio-economic contexts.
Read the full story from UNESCO-UNEVOC.
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