AppliedHE’s Rankometer is a welcome addition to the global rankings landscape

Winnie Eley, Partner, Education Insight UK. Vice-President of University of Southampton, UK (2018 – 2020) and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of The University of Newcastle, Australia (2013 – 2018)
In the AppliedHE first Squaring-the-Circle debate in 2021, I argued for the motion of ‘AppliedHE’s Rankometer is a welcome addition to the global rankings landscape’ for three irrefutable reasons. First, it is new. Second, it is encompassing. Third, it is simple.
First, AppliedHE Rankometer is new. It’s in human nature to like anything new. New catches our eyes. New attracts our attention. We all accept that there is a new reality in the global HE sector. Almost two decades ago, the five dominant global rankings systems turned up in our world, the higher education world, one by one. The five global rankings are, in their current forms, not going anywhere. Whether we like them or not; whether we accept them or not; and whether we trust them or not; global rankings systems are here to stay.
It’s been 11 long years since the global rankings landscape welcomes an addition. What’s not to like about AppliedHE Rankometer when it dares to stand on the shoulders of the five global rankings giants. Let’s welcome it and let’s congratulate AppliedHE for this new and shiny ranking platform.
Second, AppliedHE’s Rankometer is encompassing. AppliedHE Rankometer has all five dominant global rankings presented to us on a platter, all five in one place, in fact, it has all of five of them on a page, literally. It is wonderful for cross-referencing, for sense making and for sense checking. AppliedHE Rankometer’s encompassing nature makes life so much easier if your day job involves global university ranking exercises.
Finally, AppliedHE’s Rankometer is simple. University rankings systems all make a claim that they are developed to support parents and students in making an informed decision. The data on many of them, as useful and robust as they may be, are not so easy to view at a glance and to compare at a click. AppliedHE’s Rankometer gives clarity to those five dominant global rankings and gives perspectives with ease. Its simplicity makes the dominant global rankings simpler to understand, with one click.
AppliedHe Rankometer re-ignites attention and interests in global university rankings during the pandemic when our energy has been zapping away by coping in these very difficult times. Yes, it has to be refined further. Which global rankings systems have not had to go through fine tuning and continue to listen to constructive feedback, ideas and advice?
AppliedHE Rankometer has given those of us with an interest in rankings a new toy to explore, a new global ranking to debate, and a new perspective in understanding the five same old global rankings systems. What’s not to like about AppliedHE Rankometer? What’s stopping you in welcoming a new addition to the global ranking landscape.