Trailblazing Student Projects Highlighted at the 2025 EECS Event | UTM NewsHub

The 8th Electrical Engineering Capstone Showcase (EECS 2025) was held on January 13, 2025, at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FKE) of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). This annual event highlights capstone projects created by final-year students across various disciplines, including Electrical and Power Engineering, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Control and Mechatronics Engineering, Communication Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering.
Importance of Capstone Projects
Capstone projects are a crucial element of the undergraduate experience, allowing students to apply their acquired knowledge and skills to address real-world challenges within a structured 14-week timeframe. The projects are intended to foster practical solutions to significant problems faced by industries and society, thereby demonstrating the integration of theoretical education with practical application.
Themes Addressed in EECS 2025
This year’s showcase featured a total of 113 projects, developed by 405 students, which focused on 22 themes relevant to pressing global issues such as smart manufacturing, sustainable energy, and food security. These themes align with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Knowledge Exchange and Awards
The EECS 2025 exhibition provided a platform for knowledge exchange between academic institutions and industry. Students presented their projects and solutions to panels that included academic and industry experts. Awards were presented for outstanding student projects across various categories, including theme awards, best project awards, and industry awards, recognizing design, innovation, and functionality.
Categorization of Awards
Awards for the best projects were distributed among categories such as Electronics, Power, Communication, Mechatronics, and Biomedical Engineering. Industry sponsors, including Flextronics Shah Alam Sdn. Bhd. and Wiwynn Technology Service Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., also bestowed awards for exceptional product development. Additionally, professional societies acknowledged significant contributions within the electrical engineering sector.
Collaboration Between Academia and Industry
The event highlighted the important collaboration between academia and industry, which plays a vital role in promoting innovation. The outcomes of EECS 2025 underscore the capacities and future prospects of the next generation of electrical engineers at UTM.
(Source: UTM NewsHub)