Thammasat Design School received the Green Office Award, Excellent level of the year 2023

Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning Thammasat University received the Green Office Award, Excellent Level (Gold Medal) of the year 2023 from the Department of Climate Change and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
Asst. Prof. Asan Suwannarit, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University said that the Faculty’s sustainability policy arises from the integration of both dimensions of physical design which are the expertise of the faculty’s professors, designing operation systems within organizations that are environmentally friendly, and creating public awareness by promoting participation from faculty, staff, and students.
“The upcoming goal of the faculty is the implementation of management according to the Net Zero and Carbon Neutral guidelines, which has been collaborated with SCG Cement-Building Materials Company Limited to study and drive development guidelines to be a model organization in the future,” said Asst. Prof. Asan.
The Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University always gives its importance to the idea of sustainability in various dimensions, whether it is creating participation from a group of professors and students through a wide range of activities such as developing energy-saving teaching and learning buildings and installing solar panels to produce renewable energy from sunlight. In addition, different types of trash bins are provided on every floor of the teaching and learning building to support waste recycling separation and the TDS Freecycle Rack project, a space for exchanging and sharing reuse papers and model making materials, promoting the reduction of waste materials at the course level in order to instill awareness of sustainable material use.