
VNU-USSH collaborates with Samsung Group in many fields

This is the content of the meeting and signing of the cooperation agreement between the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU-USSH) and the Samsung Research and Development Center Vietnam (SRV) the afternoon of March 14, 2024

At the meeting, Professor Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan – Rector of VNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities (VNU-USSH) expressed his pride that in the development journey of the Samsung Group, VNU-USSH has made certain marks in providing high-quality human resources as well as cooperating in the development of valuable products of the group.

Rector Hoang Anh Tuan believes that VNU-USSH and SRV share a common voice in the development of products with scientific value, artistic qualities, and high applicability. The cooperation between VNU-USSH and SRV in many aspects of the field of social sciences and humanities will contribute to spreading Vietnamese cultural values to Samsung’s customer ecosystem with hundreds of millions of users worldwide.

Appreciating the school leaders’ prioritization in supporting the implementation of important projects of Samsung, Mr. Suk Ji-won – Director of Samsung Research and Development Center Vietnam, believes that with the strengths of VNU-USSH in training and researching in social sciences and humanities, especially in the field of linguistics, SRV and VNU-USSH will have many opportunities to realize the bilateral cooperation relationship.

Read more : USSH


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