Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries (FIKP) Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) hosted its annual National and International Symposium on Marine and Fisheries (NISMF). This event is for the 10th time for the national and 6th time for the international symposium. The NISMF aims to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners, and other concerned parties in the field of marine science fisheries to share their research findings, ideas, and experience, as a contribution to advancing the marine and fisheries sector in Indonesia. This year is the second time this event has been held in collaboration with Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) and the first time with the Korea-Indonesia Marine Technology Cooperation Research Center (MTCRC) and Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic of Bone.
The NISMF 2023 has the theme of: “Strengthening the SDGs through Marine and Fisheries Innovations” attended by 280 presenters from various institutions in Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, Sudan and England. Meanwhile, the keynote speakers came from Indonesia, Netherlands, Japan, America, Malaysia, and Korea, namely Assoc. Prof. TS. DR. Nor Azman Kasan, Matthew B. Ogburn, Ph.D. This activity was held for two days on 10-11 June 2023 in the UNHAS Hotel and Convention. Apart from academics and researchers, a number of speakers who attended from various countries also came from stakeholders in the marine and fisheries sector, such as bureaucrats, the private sector/entrepreneurs, and NGOs.
The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, represented by the Acting Director General of Capture Fisheries, Agus Suherman, as the keynote speaker explained the facts about the current condition of fisheries management in Indonesia. Starting from the decreasing number of fishermen’s catches which leads to fishermen’s poverty to the government’s target to export fishery products based on quotas so that our fisheries can be sustainable.
At this NISMF 2023, FIKP UNHAS for the first time hosted a high academic level panel consisting of three rectors in Indonesia with maritime vision. The panels are Rector of the IPB University, Prof. Arief Satria, Rector of Raja Ali Haji Maritime University (UMRAH) Prof. Agung Dhamar Syakti, and Rector of UNHAS, Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa (populary known as Prof. JJ).
According to the Rector of UNHAS, Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa, Indonesia will become a developed country if policies in the maritime sector are taken by the government based on research and scientific studies. “So the policy taken must have a scientific basis,” said Prof. JJ