Thammasat University revives a 300-year-old pharmacopoeia, “King Narai’s Medicine”, reviving and utilizing it.

Thai Khadi Research Institute, Thammasat University studies and researches on ‘King Narai Medicine Pharmacopoeia’, decoding and updating to be present. Currently, up to 4 formula were successfully completed.
Assoc. Prof. Roj Khunanaek, Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Thammasat University and Former Director of the Thai Khadi Research Institute. As a pioneer educator of the “King Narai’s Medicine Pharmacopoeia” revealed that from the study of medical palm leaf scriptures in the reign of King Narai the Great that have been passed down from generations known by the name of “Phra Narai’s Medicine Pharmacopoeia”, which is over 300 years old of the Thai Khadi Studies Institute, Thammasat University is found to compose good properties medicinal formulas and are very useful.
However, being an ancient medicinal formula, people today may have misunderstandings or misinterpretation. Thai Khadi Research Institute, Thammasat University, therefore, has been systematically studying and researching the wisdom of traditional Thai herbal medicine since 2009 with the aim of reviving the medicine according to the King Narai’s Medicine Pharmacopoeia to be accurate, easy to understand and present.
Thai Khadi Research Institute, Thammasat University has been able to restore 4 formula of the King Narai’s Medicine Pharmacopoeia, namely, Herbal tonic (Ya-Tha-Phra-Sen), Herbal compress (Phra-Aung-Kob-Phra-Sen-Tueng-Hai-Yon), Mahajak oil (Nam-Mun-Ma-Ha-Jak) and Herbal tonic pills (Ya-Hom-Dum). The Thai Khadi Research Institute has also published the book “Inheriting wisdom, the King Narai’s Medicine Pharmacopoeia” which portrays the details of the aforementioned four medicinal preparations for those who are interested as well.
Assoc. Prof. Rungrawee Temsirirekkul, Faculty of Pharmacy, Thammasat University mentioned about the properties of the 4 medicinal formulas, namely: 1. Herbal tonic, which is used for applying to adjust displaced tendons, cure paralysis, cure tendon tightness, cure cramps, cure osteoarthritis or pain, swelling, redness, hotness in the knee and ankle joints, and aches.
- 2. Herbal compress, having properties to loosen and relax stiff tendons, relieve stress and promote deep sleep.
- 3. Mahajak oil, having properties from the specific properties of each type of herbs. Thus, it was assumed that Mahachak oil might be effective in reducing pain due to its anti-inflammatory effect and can also heal wounds from antibacterial effect, anti-inflammatory effect, and accelerate wound healing.
- 4. Herbal tonic pills, relieves fever along with thirst, headache, and arthritis which are symptoms of the common cold or influenza.