AppliedHE JOB-Ready Rating Pilot Interim Results Show High All-Round Satisfaction

The AppliedHE™ JOB-Ready Rating pilot, which is now underway at institutions around the world, has already yielded interim results at two institutions: Pearl Academy (India) and Universitas Airlangga (Indonesia). Both institutions show strong satisfaction scores, not just among students, but also among alumni and employers.
Pearl Academy, a leading art and fashion design college, is the first Indian institution to undertake the AppliedHE™ JOB-Ready Rating. Universitas Airlangga, a leading public comprehensive university based in Surabaya, is the first Indonesian institution to do so.
Launched in January 2020 and currently in its pilot phase, the AppliedHE™ JOB-Ready Rating is a multi-dimensional rating system that includes the perspectives of students, faculty, employers and alumni, providing an all-round perspective of an institution.
According to the preliminary results of the pilot study, Pearl Academy shows an enviable 92% student satisfaction, 91% alumni satisfaction and 97% employer satisfaction rate. The results for Universitas Airlangga show even higher satisfaction scores of 99% student satisfaction, 99% alumni satisfaction and 99% employer satisfaction.
As these are raw interim results, they should not be used in a direct comparison: institutional, cultural and subject-related factors also influence satisfaction scores.
The new rating system emphasizes teaching & learning, graduate skills, employability and interaction with industry. The rating is also non-prescriptive and can be applied to different types of institutions across different sectors, from full-fledged research universities to specialized institutions such as Pearl Academy.
This novel evaluation approach makes the AppliedHE™ JOB-Ready Rating especially suitable for an institution like Pearl Academy, which serves the creative industries and has an innovative and path-breaking approach to learning that does not fit the mould of most conventional higher education rating and ranking systems.
The AppliedHE™ JOB-Ready Rating also levels the playing field between advanced and emerging countries, because the AppliedHE™ JOB-Ready Rating results are based on the perspectives of local stakeholders and focus on skills and employability. This is in contrast to other rankings and ratings which emphasize research and internationalization, areas in which institutions from advanced countries often have an advantage.
Alongside Pearl Academy and Universitas Airglangga, institutions from Taiwan, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Pakistan are expected to also complete the AppliedHE™ JOB-Ready Rating pilot rating soon.
For detailed interim rating results, see:
About AppliedHE™
AppliedHE™ is a Singapore-based services provider for the higher education sector which was officially launched on 1 January 2020. The company’s founding team has 30+ years of experience in developing higher education evaluation and branding services for a leading UK-based agency.
AppliedHE™ (“Applied Higher Education”) provides a career and industry-focused perspective on higher education that is relevant to local stakeholders.
AppliedHE™ JOB-Ready Rating is currently the company’s flagship service. Other services include news, professional seminars and networking events (online and offline). Rankings and online portal for students and other higher education stakeholders are currently under development.
For more information, please visit
Image by nickgesell from Pixabay