Policy & Economy

UK opens door to world’s top graduates in post-Brexit immigration push

Students from prestigious universities to get two-year visas as No 10 looks beyond the EU to attract talented workers

Graduates from the world’s top universities, including Harvard and Yale, will be eligible for visas to work in Britain under a new post-Brexit immigration drive to “put ability and talent first”.

On Monday, the Government will launch its “high potential individual” route to attract the “brightest and best” graduates from the world’s most prestigious overseas universities to come and work in the UK at the beginning of their careers.

Successful applicants with a bachelor’s or master’s degree, regardless of which country they were born in, will get a two-year work visa and will be permitted to bring their families. Those who hold PhDs can apply to stay for three years. The graduates can then switch to other long-term employment visas.

It is part of the Government’s new post-Brexit points-based immigration regime designed to attract skilled and talented workers from throughout the world after ending the freedom of movement for EU nationals.

Priti Patel, the Home Secretary, said that the “exciting” new route was part of the Government’s ambition to “put ability and talent first, not where someone comes from”.

Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor, said it would enable the UK to grow as an international hub for innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.

“We want the businesses of tomorrow to be built here today, which is why I call on students to take advantage of this incredible opportunity to forge their careers here,” he added.

The new scheme will also be seen as part of an attempt by Boris Johnson to put partygate behind him by launching a series of policy initiatives to show off the benefits of Brexit.

On Sunday, the Prime Minister paved the way for the return of pounds and ounces in British shops with a plan to repeal EU-derived law requiring metric units to be used for all trade, with only limited exceptions.

To read more : The Telegraph

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