Keimyung University pays a call on Thammasat University

Prof. Sungho Park, Vice-Dean of the International Office (Project Manager of CAMPUS Asia-AIMS) at Keimyung University in Korea, visited Thammasat University. He was accompanied by a team of representatives from the CAMPUS Asia-AIMS project.
In a fruitful meeting, TU and Keimyung University discussed publicizing the Campus Asia-AIMS Project with exchange and scholarship opportunities for Thammasat students, supported by the Korean Government.
Also on the agenda was collaborating at the faculty level with the Faculty of Liberal Arts in a degree program in Korea Studies at Keimyung University.
Representing Thammasat University were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Surat Teerakapibal (Vice Rector for Administration (Tha Prachan) and International Affairs), Asst. Prof. Dr. Kronnapha Boonpisutsilp from Korean Studies at the TU Faculty of Liberal Arts, and the Director and staff from the Office of International Affairs.