Policy & Economy

Younger entrepreneurs are on the rise, seeking more than stability and security

BENJAMIN Wong was 27 years old when he decided to take things into his own hands and become his own boss.

Together with his friend Hafiz Kasman, the two Singapore Management University (SMU) graduates founded their own business in 2020. The company, Kinobi, is a career guidance service platform that aims to help graduates in Singapore and Indonesia accelerate their careers.

When asked why he left his previous job at a multifamily office to become an entrepreneur, he said: “I wanted more fulfillment in my job. I wanted to have an impact on people’s lives, I wanted to help people.”

Entrepreneurship is driving its reach out to the younger crowd, enticing university students and fresh graduates to jump on the bandwagon and seek startup success.

Eunice Wong, principal of Monk’s Hill Ventures, said: “I think a lot of it stems from the younger generation starting to value meaning in their careers. They want creative control, they want originality, they find starting a business exciting and inspiring.”

She believes that youth are looking for more than stability and security in their careers – and being an entrepreneur provides them with the opportunity to be independent, self-sufficient and creative.

Wong herself founded and exited 2 startup businesses in proptech and e-commerce spaces, Quikspaces and Munchbox, before securing a job at Monk’s Hill Ventures.

Prior to that, she was working at a law firm, but the career role did not satisfy her “itch for creativity” and her desire to start her own company, to work in a more outcome driven role, she said.

To read more : Business Times

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