Aberdeen University: Strong Performer in AppliedHE Rankometer

The University of Aberdeen’s strong performance in recent league tables has been reflected in a new ranking system which combines the world’s most influential university rankings into a single measure of university reputation and quality.
The University has been placed 159th in the world by the AppliedHE Rankometer and is one of only 32 UK universities ranked inside the top 200.
Within the UK, this provides a ranking of 26th and in Scotland the University is placed in fourth position.
The Rankometer reflects global opinions on universities and is derived from the world’s leading university rankings.
It provides a combined score based on the:
- QS Quacquarelli Symonds (UK) – World University Rankings
- Shanghai Ranking Consultancy (China) – Academic Ranking of World Universities
- THE Times Higher Education (UK) – World University Rankings
- CWTS, Leiden University (Netherlands) – Leiden Ranking (PP (Top 10%) a measure based on the percentage of a university’s publications that are among the 10% most highly cited worldwide
- Cybermetrics Lab, CSIC (Spain) – Webometrics Ranking Web of Universities
In addition to the strong performance in world rankings as reflected in this new aggregate measure of performance, the University has also recorded a strong performance in UK league tables and is currently ranked in the top 30 in the UK in the three major UK rankings.
- Times & Sunday Times Good University Guide (27)
- Complete University Guide (26)
- Guardian University Guide (20)
Professor Karl Leydecker, Senior Vice-Principal, said: “We are pleased to see our strong performance across the key global league tables reflected in the new AppliedHE Rankometer.
“These rankings will stand us in good stead as we further enhance our reputation around the world.
“The University has committed to excellence in our core activities of education and research, which transform the world around us, through our Aberdeen 2040 strategy. This will further drive our progression and international standing over the coming decades.”
Image by Наталия Когут from Pixabay