CUHK Mathematics Scholar Awarded the XPLORER PRIZE, Among First Hong Kong Recipients

Prof. Xuhua HE, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Mathematics of the Department of Mathematics and the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMS) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), has just received The XPLORER PRIZE (Mathematics and Physics). Prof. HE is the first group of Hong Kong scholars to receive the award which was given for his spirit of scientific exploration and potential for innovation.
Prof. HE is deeply honoured to be awarded the XPLORER PRIZE. He said, “I am grateful for the support of the organiser and members of the judging panel. This award not only recognises my work in arithmetic geometry and representation theory, but also gives me a push and encouragement to further my studies to promote the development of pure mathematics, and eventually lead to the advancement of science in the world, in Hong Kong, the country and globally.”
Read full story at CUHK
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