Amid global pandemic, adaptive curriculum urgently needed

UNAIR NEWS – Global health issues are getting more diverse. One of them is the pandemic currently hitting the world known as Covid-19. People are encouraged to do their activities at home, including learning activities. From elementary to university level, learning from home is applied. Learning activities conducted from home must certainly be accompanied by the adoption of an adaptive curriculum so that the interaction process between students and lecturers can run well and learning objectives can be achieved.
Dr. Kusnanto, S.Kp., M.Kes. as the Vice Dean I Faculty of Nursing (FKP) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) during a web seminar (Webinar) held by FKP UNAIR on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 said that an adaptive curriculum is needed to deal with a pandemic. “Looking at the current conditions and the development of an era that is very fast and with unpredictable changes, we need an adaptive curriculum,” he said.
Covid-19 has a significant impact in various sectors, one of them is the education sector. The implementation of remote learning must inevitably be carried out so that learning can continue.
“For learning process can be continued, it must be done remotely or online. What used to be unfamiliar for some universities or students must now be accustomed to, ” Kusnanto said.
Recently, Indonesia has been busy for the preparation to face the new normal era which will soon be implemented, according to Kusnanto, online learning must become a pattern in the adaptive curriculum.
“With the new normal, online learning must become a pattern. Regarding the cognitive aspects, it is actually not necessary to be done face-to-face (learning, ed) It can be online. The affective and psychomotor aspects, they can only be done by learning in campus, “he explained.
Another problem faced in the education sector is the large number of institutions that are under financial pressure.
“Now, many institutions are experiencing financial pressure. For one thing, parents and students ask for a tuition discount. Surely this is due to the impact of the pandemic in the family economic sector, “he added.
Even though the institution is currently facing financial pressure, the higher education institution still has the responsibility to guarantee graduates to have qualifications equivalent to the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI), develop a curriculum that is the right and obligation of each institution, and be able to answer existing challenges.
When developing a curriculum that is autonomous for a higher education institution, the vision of the institution must be considered.
“When developing a curriculum, what must be considered is the vision of higher education institution. Therefore, each university must determine a clear policy direction. From that vision, we reflect it to the mission until the program management unit, “Kusnanto said.
Even though universities have the freedom to design curriculum independently, it is still influenced by national policies. Furthermore, current conditions, predictions of future conditions, and global conditions must also be considered.
“Of course the curriculum is strongly influenced by national policies such as those of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Culture, and so on. We will see the conditions that are currently happening, how the future predictions, how global conditions must be considered so that the curriculum truly accommodates the current and future situations and conditions, “he added.
Human Resources (HR), facilities and infrastructure, as well as stakeholders should also pay attention to the development of the current curriculum. “We must pay attention to what our human resources are. I think that the human resources of Indonesia are good. Then the facilities and infrastructure must also be considered. There is no point in making a great curriculum if it is not supported by good facilities and infrastructure. We also have to pay attention to the stakeholders so that in the future we will eventually produce graduates as they expected “, he concluded. (*)