
Negative Perceptions of TVET Unfounded

TVET should be seen as a great opportunity for our future generation to become successful in life.

It is sad to know that some, including parents, still see TVET as a path only for those who are not ‘very bright’, don’t have sufficient academic qualifications or don’t have academic interest.

All these misconceptions have resulted in many families forcing their children to study hard and apply for conventional varsity courses.

Times have changed. In today’s world, many jobs require individuals to have special skills and training which can be acquired by enrolling in TVET programmes.

TVET includes formal and informal learning that prepares young people with the knowledge and skills required in the working world.

According to the United Nations Organisation for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), TVET has been called by many names over the years – apprenticeship training, vocational education, technical education, technical-vocational education, occupational education and others.

Read the full story from The Star.

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