Greening TVET through Strategic Partnerships

Greening technical and vocational education and training (TVET) is an emerging concept that has gathered momentum in the international community in recent years. TVET is directly linked to the labour market and hence plays a key role in providing knowledge and skills to facilitate the transition to greener economies and societies.
“The greening of TVET could be the missing link that can connect school and society, and link society and employment,” said UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education, Ms. Stefania Giannini, at a high-level breakfast meeting organized by the Permanent Delegation of Denmark to UNESCO on 14 November 2019 during the Organization’s 40th General Conference.
As outlined by the Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Denmark to the OECD and UNESCO, Mr. Carsten Staur, during his opening remarks, the meeting focused on strategic partnerships between TVET institutions and the private sector for greening TVET and was inspired by the guidance framework of UNESCO on Education for Sustainable Development and UNESCO-UNEVOC’s Greening TVET: a practical guide for institutions.
A report commissioned by the Danish National Commission for UNESCO and presented by His Excellency Mr. Søren Hartmann Hede, Deputy Minister of Education for Denmark, concluded that “more than ever before, networking and partnerships are essential to overcoming these barriers”. The report shows that – based on research conducted in Denmark – teaching students about sustainability makes them agents of change and increases their motivation to contribute to developing solutions. It also stresses that partnerships, and especially involvement of the private sector, is key. UNESCO’s global networks, including the UNEVOC Network, can help to reinforce the efforts of the technical and vocational education.
Read the full article from UNESCO UNEVOC.