Thammasat Grants the License to Intellectual Property

The Center of Intellectual Property and Business Incubator, Office of Advanced Science and Technology, Thammasat University, signed an agreement to license intellectual property rights between Thammasat University, along with Thai Patent Company Limited, Active 28 Company Limited, and Research and Sustainable Development Foundation, to create a network and partnerships in utilizing intellectual property assets for commercial purposes.
Prof. Dr. Supasawad Chardchawarn, Acting Rector of Thammasat University, stated that the use of intellectual property rights may be considered relatively new for educational institutions. In the past, we may have heard that research work in educational institutions is often shelved and not utilized for the benefit. People always question what these research works achieve, whether they meet societal needs or contribute to national development. Thai educational institutions must address this to make research knowledge beneficial for society.
It is an initiative to show that the research work of educational institutions will match its principles and key points emphasizing the creation of research towards advancing development in commercial terms, benefiting society, the economy, and the industrial system of the country. The use of intellectual property for commercial purposes not only enhances competitiveness in business but also promotes economic prosperity at all levels.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jirada Singkhonrat, Director of the Intellectual Property and Business Incubator Center, stated that Thammasat University has a key policy to drive research and innovation with commercial potential towards continuous development, in line with the industry’s actual needs and the government’s direction. Currently, the Royal Decree on the Promotion of the Utilization of Research and Innovation Results in 2021 promotes the establishment of innovative technology businesses with high value-added products and services.
Prof. Dr. Supasawad emphasized that this agreement is the result of collaboration among the inventors of innovation from Thammasat University, the Intellectual Property and Business Incubator Center, and the private sector. All parties share the common goal of promoting the advancement of technology and innovation, leading to their efficient and sustainable commercial utilization.
“I appreciate everyone who has supported and devoted their time to the collaboration. I am confident that this event will lead to progress and success in the future,” said Prof. Dr. Supasawad.
The licenses authorizing the use of intellectual property rights on this occasion is an authorization to use the rights in the work of researchers at Thammasat University. There are 3 works by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chiravoot Pechyen from the Faculty of Science and Technology, namely (1) a method for producing oil from grape seeds mixed with turmeric oil and sesame oil by cold extraction, (2) a method for increasing the stability of oil from grape seeds mixed with turmeric oil and sesame oil with ultrasonic waves, and (3) a method for synthesizing a sensor containing a mixture of polyacrylamide, polyvinyl alcohol, alkoxy, and nanosilica for detecting breast cancer cells by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chiravoot Pechyen, Dr. Nipaporn Ngernyuang, and Ms. Khanittha Pholsanti.