Engineering Students from Thammasat University received scholarships from Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

5 students from Automotive Engineering Program, Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University, Pattaya Campus, received scholarships from Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand) Co., Ltd., led by Eiichi Koito, President & CEO, for “MMTh VTECH Scholarship Program 2021” with Assoc.Prof.Dr. Teera Chiasiripongkul, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University, faculty members and executives from Mitsubishi Motors Thailand joined in congratulating the New Normal scholarship ceremony. Students will receive a scholarship for two consecutive years, along with opportunity for internships and employment at Mitsubishi Motors Thailand, the world-class automobile manufacturer. The objective is to create “New Generation Graduates” who are specialized in automotive engineering, to drive and develop the Thai automotive industry in the future.
The MMTh VTECH Scholarship Program 2021 is a collaboration between Mitsubishi Motors Thailand and Thammasat School of Engineering (TSE), signed in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on September 15, 2020, with an aim to enhance educational opportunities through a full scholarship to cover tuition fees of the selected third-year and fourth-year Thammasat V-TECH students who have outstanding performance. In addition, the program encourages students to cultivate hands-on experience through Work Integrated Learning (WIL). The successful candidates will attend an internship program and ultimately become a full-time employee of Mitsubishi Motors Thailand at Laem Chabang Factory. This route to success is consistent to the objectives of the program that point to create “Graduates of the New Generation” and competent manpower to complement the needs of the manufacturing sector, according to Thailand’s higher education reform policy. All graduates must be capable of practically working and armed with knowledge, skills, and exceptional competencies. There are 5 students qualified for the scholarships, namely 1) Ms. Piyatida Boonmaswai 2) Mr. Korrawit Singkaew 3) Mr. Mathanon Wattanapirom 4) Mr. Jirapat watpairun, and 5) Mr. Daranphob Santvinyoo.