
FK UNS Welcomes 112 New Medical Students for 2024/2025 Academic Year – Specialist and Subspecialist Programs

The Faculty of Medicine (FK) at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta has officially inducted 112 new students into its Specialist Medical Education Program (PPDS) and Subspecialist Medical Education Program (PPDSS) for the 2024/2025 academic year. The ceremony was held on March 10, 2025, at the FK UNS Auditorium.

Selection Process

These new students underwent a comprehensive two-stage selection process, which began with the UNS New Student Admission Selection (SPMB) in November 2024. The first stage of the selection involved an online Academic Potential Test (TPA) and an English proficiency examination. The second stage included an offline medical examination, a psychological assessment, program interviews, a subject knowledge evaluation, and a portfolio assessment. Interviews were also conducted with both university leadership and the management of Moewardi Regional General Hospital.

Admissions Statistics

According to Prof. Dr. Fitria Rahmawati, Vice-Rector for Academic and Research Affairs, 94.71% of the 378 applicants progressed to the second stage, leading to the induction of the 112 successful candidates.

Study Program Distribution

The new cohort is distributed across 15 study programs, including:

  • Obstetrics and Gynecology (10 students)
  • Surgery (10 students)
  • Psychiatry (6 students)
  • Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine (9 students)
  • Orthopedics and Traumatology (6 students)
  • Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (6 students)
  • Pediatrics (10 students)
  • Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy (11 students)
  • Internal Medicine (11 students)
  • Dermatology and Venereology (6 students)
  • Neurology (6 students)
  • Clinical Pathology (6 students)
  • Cardiology and Vascular Medicine (6 students)
  • Radiology (6 students)
  • Internal Medicine Subspecialty (3 students)

Competitive Environment

Prof. Dr. Hartono, Rector of UNS, highlighted the increasing competition for entry into the PPDS and PPDSS programs, noting that the Psychiatry program attracted 48 applicants for only six available spots. This high level of competition is indicative of the quality of the FK UNS programs, many of which have achieved top accreditation ratings. UNS was also recognized in the recent Times Higher Education World University Rankings as the second-ranked university in Indonesia for 2025.

Induction Ceremony Highlights

During the induction ceremony, speakers emphasized the importance of integrity, ethics, and professionalism for the incoming students. Prof. Hartono encouraged the new cohort to fully commit to these values as they transition to the rigorous demands of their programs.

Commitment to Quality Education

This event reflects UNS’s commitment to delivering quality education, particularly in the medical sector, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) focus on quality education.

Source: Universitas Sebelas Maret News

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