
Thammasat Hosted THE-GLOW Project

Thammasat University’s Rangsit Campus hosted an impactful meeting. High-profile representatives, including those from the European Commission, the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), and teams from Thammasat, Kasetsart, Asian Institute of Technology, Heidelberg, and Maastricht Universities, gathered to discuss cross-regional collaboration in higher education and sustainable development.

The meeting began with opening remarks from Thammasat University’s Vice Rectors for Research and Innovation, Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. L. Pinitbhand Paribatra, and International Affairs, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Supreedee Rittironk, alongside representatives from the European Commission, Mr. Filip Van Depoele and EACEA Mrs. Lauriane Bertrand, and Thammasat’s Faculty of Public Health Deputy Dean for Administration and International Affairs, Asst. Prof. Pol. Maj. Dr. Katiya Ivanovitch. The various representatives added their perspectives, underscoring the importance of international collaboration in higher education for sustainable development.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Li Liang, THE-GLOW Project Coordinator, presented an update on the project’s progress, highlighting achievements in capacity building in transdisciplinary curriculum development and integration.

A reflective session on project implementation followed, with discussions centred on strategies for integrating transdisciplinary educational modules into existing higher education frameworks for upscaling and for project sustainability. Attendees then concluded the session with a Thammasat Rangsit campus tour, connecting in person to strengthen the bonds driving this collaborative effort for educational innovation and sustainability and giving participants a glimpse into the university’s environment and ongoing sustainability initiatives.



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