Thammasat’ initiates a Ready Senior platform

‘Thammasat’ initiates the“Ready Senior” platform through “Website-Facebook-Line” to develop a health care community for people aged 50 and older to prepare for retirement and also organize the project “Turning Retirement into Power” in collaboration with 20 businesses to open the “full-time-part-time” job seeking and recruitment market and online training, having Thammasat University Hospital Doctors in charge of Dementia problem management.
Asst. Professor Dr. Duangchai Lorthanavanich, Director of the Center for Business Development and Social Care for the Elderly, Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Thammasat University revealed that now, Thailand has completely entered an aging society and will be entering a super aging society in the next 10 years, with the elderly of the age 60 years old and older of approximately 25% of the total population. Therefore, it is necessary to urgently prepare to resolve and manage the problems of the elderly both socially and economically.
“Our project has signed an MOU with Thammasat University Hospital in designing a curriculum in the Elderly’s and Patients with Dementia’s Caregiving which will train people of the age 50 years old and older to be able to take care of themselves and their families, as well as extending to the career of caregiver for the elderly. This career will be in great demand in the near future,” said Asst. Professor Dr. Duangjai.
Assoc. Professor Dr. Pharuehas Tor-Udom, Director of Thammasat University Hospital said that dementia will become a more threatening disease for Thai people as the elderly live longer. Therefore, knowledge and understanding of the matter will help delay the occurrence of the disease. The medical team and personnel of Thammasat Uninversity Hospital are ready in this regard. Therefore, we have partnered with the Turning Retirement into Power Project by using Thammasat Hospice Palliative Care which is a palliative care center as the main teaching and training venue.
For those interested in the project, “Turning Retirement into Power” that intend to develop themselves, build a career and seek opportunities both pre and post retirement can contact to participate in the activities via Facebook page and Line of Ready Senior for free of charge.