Puey Ungphakorn School of Development Studies, Thammasat University in collaboration to produce socially responsible graduates

Puey Ungphakorn School of Development Studies, Thammasat University led by Mr. Wanchai Phanomchai, Director-General of the Department of Industrial Works, and Assistant Professor Dr. Nithinan Witsawesuan, Dean of Puey Ungphakorn School of Development Studies has signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Department of Industrial Works, Ministry of Industry to reinforce and promote the operation of social responsibility both for the academic and research, especially to extend the body of knowledge to support the production of the school graduates to be effective personnel by adhering to the principles of operating business with social responsibility, fairness and sustainability, entering the labor market in the industrial sector which is an important sector in supporting the development of the country.
Puey Ungphakorn School of Development Studies, Thammasat University is an educational institution that manage curriculum in various fields relating to development studies whose aim is to produce graduates with knowledge, skills and attributes appropriate to operate with social responsibility and is the “only institution in Thailand” that has been approved as a training unit for personnel specialized in corporate social responsibility management at the factory and has been in operation since 2017. In addition, it has also continuously participated in the operation to promote corporate social responsibility in other industrial sectors together with the Department of Industrial Works.