How innovation can support 70 million teachers

Innovation has always been critical to improve the quality of education and make it more equitable and inclusive of marginalised groups. Teachers can play a pivotal role in innovating, but only if their educational systems give them the necessary support.
The value of innovation has traditionally been unrecognised – but after the educational disruptions and widespread school closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is firmly back under the spotlight. Historically, educational innovations have been tied to digital technologies and that continues to be true, as exemplified by over half the examples collated from 166 countries for a recent study. However, the experience of the last two years shows how reliance on technology risks amplifying inequalities in skills and access to devices and infrastructure. Use of EdTech in sub-Saharan Africa increased during the pandemic, but at the start of the pandemic an estimated 82% or 216 million learners had no access to household internet.
To read more : Global Education Monitoring