Researches on Sport Science Have Been Under the Spotlight from College of Kinesiology and Health from CCU

By Linus Lee, Office of R&D, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, R.O.C. (Taiwan) / June 06, 2022
There are 4 sports laboratories in the College of Kinesiology and Health from Chinese Culture University (hereinafter referred to as CCU), Laboratory of Sports Physiology, Laboratory of Sports Biomechanics, Laboratory of Sports Psychology, and Laboratory of Sports Immunology respectively.
The Laboratory of Sports Physiology is chaired by Director Wu HuiJun and has shepherded the research team to publish about 20 international journals. It engages in athlete training methodologies, sports performance, nutritional supplements and other researches primarily. The laboratory also has a variety of testing instruments, a total of 13 types, and instruments for body composition (Inbody), swimming isokinetic muscle strength measurement training, cardiopulmonary function analysis, and a wireless remote control measurement system for energy metabolism are all included. The results of a recent study have discovered that higher physical demands of the upper body in the battle (training) rope exercise resulted in a decrease in accuracy of shooting and ball passing speed from the chest. Perhaps battle rope training before practice or competition is not helpful, as it triggers a drop in performance and an increase in fatigue caused by one-off exercises (Chen et al., 2020). This study has also demonstrated in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (SCI Q2, IF=3.781).
The Laboratory of Sports Biomechanics is hosted by Professor Peng XianDe and has published about 30 international journals. It engages in the research of body movements of athletes and the measurement of training methodologies. There are a variety of measuring instruments in the laboratory, including 12 precision instruments such as force plates, motion capture analysis systems, and thermal imaging cameras. Recent studies have also illustrated that the adoption of elastic bands as a heavier load during the air and landing phases of skydiving is capable of directing the preferential action of the extensor muscles of the lower extremity joints to demonstrate the benefits and performance of the stretch-shortening cycle and reduce the impact of the lower extremity on the ground (Peng et al. al., 2021). The discovery has also demonstrated in the European Journal of Sport Science (SCI Q1, IF= 4.05).
The Laboratory of Sports Psychology is chaired by Professor Lu JunHong and has shepherded the research team to publish about 20 international journals. Professor Lu is also the Vice President of Asia and South Pacific International Organization and has engaged in the research of psychological energy of athletes, scale development, and athletes’ superstition. Equipment for heart variability rate detection and coordination between eyes and hands are included in the lab. A recent study has illustrated that the intervention of imagery training through PETTLEP (Physical, Environment, Task, Timing, Learning, Emotion, Perspective) is capable of making basketball players improve the final performance of shooting through manifestation of images (Lu et al., 2020). The discovery was also presented in Psychology of Sport and Exercise (SCI Q1, IF=4.785 )
The Laboratory of Sports Immunology is hosted by Mr. Li LingChun and has led the research team to publish about 4 international journals. The Lab engages in bioelectrical impedance research mainly. The laboratory also has many instruments and equipment, including 22 kinds of items such as carbon dioxide incubators and animal treadmills. A recent study investigated the potential of standing 8-electrode Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) in assessing Visceral Fat Area (VFA) and Body Fat Mass (BFM) for athletes (Lee et al., 2021). This study was also published in the International Journal of General Medicine (SCI Q2, IF=2.466).
The hosts of all laboratories have also gained various accolades from the Ministry of Science and Technology (M.O.S.T.), the Ministry of Education (M.O.E.), and lots of opportunities for cooperation between undergraduate and post-graduate students. There are also numerous opportunities for undergraduate and post-graduate students to take part in sports-related scientific studies, as well as scholarship grants. Above all, master and doctoral degrees are awarded in the Graduate Institute from the Department of Physical Education. Therefore, a series of associated fields will be cultivated and learned by students and help these students devote themselves to associated industries in the future.
Laboratory of Sports Physiology:
Laboratory of Sports Biomechanics:
Laboratory of Sports Psychology:
Laboratory of Sports Immunology: