Universities from Taiwan and Indonesia Team Up to Fight Industrial Waste

Universities in Taiwan and Indonesia have together established a research center to promote the circular economy through the reuse of industrial waste.
Inaugurated on Tuesday (Oct. 26), the “Taiwan-Indonesia Science and Technology Innovation Center for Circular Economy and Green Innovative Resource” (STIC-CEGIR) is a collaboration between the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and Indonesia’s Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) and Widya Mandala Catholic University (WMCU).
The facility, inside the ITS campus, will tap into the Taiwan university’s prowess in circular economic development and green science for better management of industrial waste. Exploring ways to upcycle useless material from industrial activity will be a core of the initiative, wrote CNA.
The project is sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology, testimony to Taiwan’s endeavor to promote a sustainable environment. Laboratories across the Southeast Asian country will contribute resources needed for the relevant research, according to the National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia.
Story at Taiwan News