RSUA and The University of Manchester hold webinar on cytokine storms

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga Hospital (RSUA) in collaboration with The University of Manchester held a seminar entitled “Current Progress & Emerging Strategies In the Treatment of Cytokine Storm and Diffusse Microthrombosis of Covid-19” on Saturday, April 3, 2021. On this occasion, the speakers shared about the latest medical developments regarding Covid-19, especially in the cardiovascular field.
The webinar attended by more than 370 participants was divided into two sessions. The speakers in the first session were Prof. Delvac Oceandy, MD., PhD., from The University of Manchester, Prof. Dr. Budi Susetyo Pikir, dr., Sp.PD., Sp.JP., FIHA., FAsCC., and Dr. Soedarsono, dr., Sp.P (K)., from RSUA. While in the second session, the speakers were Prof. Dr. Nasronuddin, dr., Sp.PD-KPTI., FINASIM., Dr. Urgoseno, dr., Ph.D., Sp.PD-KHOM., FINASIM., and M.Yusuf, dr., PhD., Sp.JP (K)., FIHA., FESC., FAsCC. from RSUA.
The first session was opened by Wiwin Is Effendi, dr., Ph.D., Sp.P (K)., FAPSR. as moderator, followed by the first speaker, Prof. Delvac. On this occasion, Prof. Delvac explained the importance of genetic studies for Covid-19.
“This genetic study for Covid-19 is very important. From this study we can identify the high risks of each individual, understand the disease better, and can also identify new therapeutic targets, including cytokine storms, “he explained.
Cytokine storms can cause multi-organ damage, especially the lungs. dr. Budi said that many patients died due to the cytokine storm. Many treatments have been applied, such as SCD ( Selective Cytopheretic Device ), CYTOSORB (Extracorporeal Cytokine Hempadsorption Device), hsACE2, stem cell therapy , secretome therapy. According to dr. Budi, of those treatments, secretome is the safest therapy.
At the end of the first session, dr. Soedarsono explained about CARDS (Covid-19 associated ARDS) which actually has the same definition as ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) in general. Treatment of CARDS should include protection of lung ventilation, prone positioning, restrictive fluid management, administration of anticoagulants, and treatments for infectious complications.
As the first speaker in the second session, Prof. Dr. Nasronuddin, dr., Sp.PD-KPTI., FINASIM. said that cytokine storms were caused by uncontrolled cytokine production in Covid-19 sufferers. It can deteriorate the patient’s state. Apart from what dr. Budi explained in the first session, to inhibit the cytokine storm, target inhibition of IL-6, IL-1, and corticosteroid inhibitors could also be done.
“We, in Surabaya, are currently examining stem cells from the patient’s own body. We have also done plasma exchange, intravenous immonuglobulin, and convalescent plasma, ” said Prof. Nasronuddin.
dr. Urgoseno in his explanation said that Covid-19 was a new cause of VTE (Venous Thromboembolism). Anticoagulants are given as a prevention against VTE, and most importantly reduce morbidity and mortality in Covid-19 patients. Usually patients are given anticoagulants for three full months, added dr. Yusuf.
Until now, many experts have researched Covid-19, in terms of its genetic studies, the cytokine storm, to the role of anticoagulants in patients. (*)