UNAIR Office Administration D3 Program to transform into Office Management D4 Program

UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA NEWS – On Friday, January 8, 2021, a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was held to discuss the development of Office Administration Three Year Vocational Program(D3) into Four Year Vocational (D4) Program, (Applied Bachelor) in Office Management.
FGD was held online via Zoom. This FGD was attended by Program Coordinators (KPS) and Office Administration Three Year Vocational Program lecturers along with the dean, vice deans, and several KPS of the Faculty of Vocational Studies, business and industrial world (DUDI) representatives, alumni, students, student guardians, and associations.
According to the Three Year Vocational Program Coordinator, Dr. Rahmat Yuliwan, SE., MM., A.WP., CHCM, the hottest issue in the world of education is increasing resources in the vocational field.
“So the resources in the vocational field are really required to participate in making a positive contribution to Indonesia. And we, Universitas Airlangga, are here to answer these challenges, “said Rahmat.
The FGD was divided into 5 different zoom rooms. Each room discussion was led by one of Office Administration lecturers. The Room 1 was for DUDI, Room 2 for alumni, Room 3 for students, Room 4 for student guardians, and Room 5 for associations.
The FGD was held to receive input and expectations from DUDI representatives, alumni, students, student guardians, and associations for the advancement of the Office Administration D3 program which will transform into Office Management D4 program.
“Congratulations to the Office Administration D3 Program which has transformed very quickly into D4 program. This is in accordance with what the Director General of Higher Education, Mr. Wikan wants, we are asked to change the Diploma 3 to Diploma 4 as soon as possible, “said Prof. Dr. Anwar Ma’ruf, drh., M.Kes. as Dean of Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR).