
Singapore Launches First Barrier-Free Smart Car Park

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and ST Engineering today announced the launch of Singapore’s first barrier-free Smart Car Park, an innovative solution which makes parking easier and more convenient across NTU’s multiple campuses.

The Smart Car Park System is a ticketless and barrier-free parking solution developed by the Electronics arm of ST Engineering. Paired with the GoParkin mobile app, the system integrates the latest technologies such as Automatic Number Plate Recognition, data analytics and mobile payment technologies to help motorists overcome issues encountered in conventional car park systems, while delivering car park operators significant operational and maintenance cost-savings and key insights on the usage of their car parks.

The Smart Car Park System is the University’s latest initiative in line with its NTU Smart Campus vision of harnessing digital and tech-enabled solutions to create better learning and living experiences at the University.

Read full story at NTU Singapore
Photo by JayMantri from pixabay
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